Vegan Sweet, Sour & Spicy Curry


New potatoes - small chunks

Onion - finely chopped

Garlic - finely chopped

Fresh Ginger - finely chopped

Tin chickpeas

Tin tomatoes

Green or brown lentils - dry or tinned

Green beans - roughly chopped


Few small chunks of tinned or fresh pineapple, with a little juice

Tomato puree


Garam Marsala , Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander

Chilli powder or hot curry powder


  • Heat some organic coconut oil in a large pan, and soften the onions, garlic and ginger over a low heat. You can add fresh chilli here too, if using. 

  • Add all the spices, (you can vary these to your liking) and a little tomato puree and mix to make a paste, that coats the onion mix. 

  • Add the potatoes and coat well in the paste. * Note - you can add them raw and it’ll just take longer to cook through for them to soften, Or I pre-roasted them with some oil and garam marsala, for about 10 mins. This gives them a nicer texture and richer flavour in the curry. 

  • Add the tinned tomatoes and a little extra water and mix well. 

  • Add a splash of pineapple juice and a few small chunks. Then the tinned chickpeas, and let everything simmer for 10 mins. *Note - you don’t need to add pineapple, Jonny was making a chicken Danshak, so I nicked a bit for mine, but this is what gives the sweet, sour, and spicy flavours !

  • Add the green lentils - pre-boiled if using dry. 

  • Add the green beans - you can use whatever veg you like, I had a few green beans on my veg bed plants, so I thought I’d add these. 

  • Finally add in some frozen peas, mix everything well, and simmer for about 15-20 mins. Until the veg is cooked well and sauce has reduced and thickened up. 

Serve with brown rice, Naan bread, chutneys, etc

Enjoy 😋


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