Back to Nature

Nature Connection

Traditions of awakening in nature go back to the ancient forest monasteries of the East. Pretty much all of the Buddha’s spiritual searching took place outside, and after enlightenment under the Bodhi trees, he then spent decades teaching & meditating in the woods and forests. 

Being in nature can bring us to a calm, present state, that is key to reaching a deeper awareness. It is embedded deep within our evolutionary history and that connection, is something we have lost along the way, becoming more detached.

It allows us an escape from the chronic stresses of modern day living. Helping us to find a more peaceful mode of being, therefore greatly benefitting our mental health, and overall wellbeing. 

Mindfulness is about being in the present moment, observing what is, without judgement. This, in practice, can be a lot harder than it sounds. Our minds spend the vast majority of time, tethering us to the past and future, usually with judgement, and the accompanying anxieties that brings. 

I have always felt an affinity with nature, it’s where I find it most easy to be present and connected. Always feeling that I was a part of it, not something separate. It’s my mindfulness place, before I was aware of it, and before the term became known in a therapeutic context in popular western culture. 

With a academic background in Biological Sciences and Conservation, and now a Yoga teacher and Mindfulness coach, it’s a natural (pun intended) progression for me to develop in the field of Nature-based mindfulness, and help others connect. 

I have studied with ‘Awake in the Wild’, completing a Nature-based Mindfulness course, and regularly attending their sangha meditation sessions. I have also recently certified as a ‘Nature Connection Facilitator Specialist’ with The Forest Therapy Hub. 

I will be honing these skills, and sharing practices with you, so that together we can…

Embrace the wilds, quieten the mind…& open the senses, and the heart.

Our Partner - Wellbeing Walks

One place you’ll find me sharing nature connection practices, is on a Wellbeing Walks event. Our friends & collaborators, Karen & Jon, are specialists at leading corporate wellbeing retreats - getting people out of the office, and into nature, to revitalise the workplace. 

We will be joining them on some events, not just facilitating nature connection, but also providing yoga & sound baths !

For all the info, head over to their website here Wellbeing Walks


Vegan Aubergine, Chickpea & Borlotti Bean Stew


Vegan Sweet, Sour & Spicy Curry